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TeamO2 build Mobility-as-a-service(MaaS) platform called CARMORE. We provide the most accurate and transparent information to make travel easy for everyone, no matter where they are.

TeamO2 crews truly care about the future of mobility.


We no longer need to own a car to move around. TeamO2 is committing to the smart, affordable, and accessible MaaS platform with the technical help of Autonomous Driving and Artificial Intelligence.

Collaborating with international partners from East Asia, Northern America and Europe, TeamO2 is pioneering the path to lead mobility innovation.

2021. 03.

Launched official Youtube channel

2021. 03.

Raised 10 billion KRW with Series B Funding

2020. 01.

Launched CARMORE global service in Guam and Saipan

2020. 11.

Awarded by the chief of Korea SMEs and Startups Agency in The First Smart Korea Grand Award

2020. 06.

Surpassed 10 bilion in cumulatvie turnover

2020. 11.

Signed MOU with KLOOK

2020. 06.

Signed MOU with Tripstore

2020. 11.

Surpassed 20 billion in cumulative turnover

2019. 05.

Established TeamO2 Research Institute

2019. 11.

the Grand Prize of 2019 Smart App Award (Travel/Tourism Sector)

2019. 06.

Reached aggregate turnover of billion won.

2019. 12.

The turnover surpassed 5 billion (cumulative)

2019. 06.

Raised Series A Funding

2018. 04.

Launched CARMORE

2018. 12.

Joined TIPS (Korea Technology and Information Promotion Agency for SMEs)

2018. 10.

Raised investment from Bon Angels

2018. 11.

Certified with Venture Business Certification

2017. 04.

Launched CARMORE Beta

2017. 05.

Launches Car Rental ERP "CARMORE Partners"

2016. 01.

Renamed to TeamO2

2015. 09.

First Founded the MaaS platform



CARMORE launches car rental service in Korea’s No. 1 navigation application TMAP

렌트카 가격 비교 1등 앱 카모아(대표 홍성주)가 티맵모빌리티와의 제휴를 통해 TMAP에서 렌트카 예약 서비스를 시작한다고 16일 밝혔다.


CARMORE hired Jang Ki Yong , actor, as a brand model

렌트카 가격 비교 앱 카모아가 첫 브랜드 광고 모델로 배우 장기용을 발탁했다고 6일 밝혔다.


[Mint] CARMORE, rising star in car rental industry with 435 car rental businesses … Launching global servieces

신종 코로나 사태가 터지고 국내 단기 렌터카 시장은 사실상 붕괴하다시피 했다. 여행객들이…